Ohhh, transition. Is it just me or can it be really, really gnarly? I mean regardless of it being a choice (in my case) and lateral move from one great place to another (there's no place like home) it's not all fun and games. Oh, definitely not. On the other hand, transition can be quite an amazing thing. It's an opportunity to reflect, collect and discard. To carry over all of the things that will allow you to prosper in your next destination, and leave behind anything that does not serve you.
With the exception of being fully unpacked, I'm all settled in back home. For now, that is. Naturally, everyone has been asking me 1. why I moved home and 2. what's next. So, I thought I'd give ya'll the 411 - not that I'm sick of chatting about it with you guys, but just so I can be a little more thorough, I guess.
I made the decision to come home several months ago, as most of you know. It's strange, because the "present me" has to live with a decision that my "past me" made; I have grown so much both spiritually and emotionally in those months between deciding and actually moving. But, all said and done, no regrets. Not one. I digress, I'm home for family and to save some money, for those of you who I haven't spoken with.
With that said, I started my visa application process for a Holiday Working Visa in New Zealand. It's all happening, yo. Crazy! (Fiji plans are still in the mix, I'm just waiting to figure out a time that works best.) If and when I get my visa for NZ, I will have 12 months to do my thang down under. My plan? To have no plan. Except I absolutely will be visiting Hobbiton and taking all of the LOTR movie tours, of course. And I will complete a yoga teacher training at some point during my travels, destination TBD (suggestions strongly encouraged). I could be in New Zealand for three months, a year or who knows, maybe more. After I spend some quality time 'sploring NZ, I plan on making my way through Southeast Asia, and after that? Only time will tell.
So, that's a very vague, rough outline of what's to come. My BHAG of a by-when is January 1, but in reality it will most likely be sometime later that month. Tag-a-longs for any leg of my adventure are highly encouraged, FYI.