I love the beginning of a new month. And the middle. And the end - but there's something new and shiny and special about the beginning. I was reading Jacki Carr's latest blog post, and I got the idea to do some reflection and intention setting for February and March. I've found that any type of journaling - from taking the time to write in my notebook, blogging, scribbling on sticky notes, doodling - helps me to find clarity and focus in on what I want to create.
The two things I’m most proud of from February are:
- Making the time to put real work into my personal blog. I’ve been keeping up with posting, and even added a new section called get to know the guru – an inspirational interview series – that I’m super stoked about. Ch-ch-check it out you guys!
- Tuning in and really listening to what I personally want and need, rather than what I think I should – or what I think others think I should – want and need. Let me tell you, it’s easier said than done. Truly a practice that I have to work on each and every day. #selflove
The two things I’m most grateful for from February are:
- My people. My tribe. My hearts. I wouldn’t be able to be off on this crazy, wild adventure without all of these people around the world to support me – I couldn’t do it alone. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, because I haven’t. I think about y’all every damn day.
- Connection. In every form – hugs from strangers at Wanderlust, evenings watching the sunset with someone I just met at my hostel that very afternoon, FaceTime with family and friends. Even small talk! I have met so many amazing people from all over the world – seriously, all over! And I’ve been able to stay in touch with all those who matter most back at home. Full heart.
The lesson I learned and am carrying forward with me from February is:
Buckle up, lean in, listen and learn. I’ve learned so much by being vulnerable and being present to all of it – the loneliness, the homesick pangs, the uncertainty, the excitement – and I have grown and learned so much along the journey.
My intention for March is:
S-l-o-w down. Enjoy. Play. Simply be. Take it all in, let it marinate. I’m so used to moving at light speed and having a packed schedule that I sometimes think the hustle is the only way there is – but it’s not! I don’t want to speed through this incredible part of my life.
One thing I am to do every day in March is:
Journal. Journal about what’s working, what isn’t working, what I’m grateful for, etc. It’s a great creative outlet for me and it helps me to work things out and reflect.
Because I am brave, here are two new/scary things I will do in March:
- I will meet and have lunch or coffee or yoga date with (at least) three new people.
- I am renting a car and going on a mini-road trip by myself on the South Island. Watch out Kiwis, I’m not used to driving on the left side of the road! You’ve been warned. #tourist
The one book I definitely want to read in March is:
Adventures For Your Soul by Shannon Kaiser.
Just for fun, I will…
Pick up a hitchhiker. (Don’t tell my mom or dad! Especially not my big brother…heh)
As an act of intentional kindness, I will…
Practice the radical self love that I so rarely give myself.
And that's me! What about you guys? What is March bringing up for y'all?